1011 4 Avenue S, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0P7, Canada
Though our church is buzzing with activity every day of the week, we all gather together on Sundays to worship God. We meet each week on Sunday at 10:30am, as well as live-stream the service on our facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/SouthminsterUnited/
We meet together on Sunday mornings for roughly 60 minutes, and the worship service is structured in three parts:
We Prepare Our Hearts to Worship God. As we gather, we share announcements, prayers to focus our minds on worship, sing hymns, and share a conversation time with children in the congregation.
We Listen for God’s Word. We hear scripture passages read from the Bible, the worship leader preaches a sermon reflecting upon the passages we just heard and their meaning for our lives today.
We Respond to God in Prayer and Action. In response to the Good News we have received, we dedicate our offering of money to the work of God through the church. We then pray together to give thanks to God for the blessings in our life, and share concern for others. We sing a hymn and are sent out into the world to live out the Good News.
Once the worship service ends, we enjoy a time of fellowship in the hall, with coffee and other refreshments. We hope that you’d join us for that too.
Parking is available for free on the streets downtown on weekends. The church sanctuary is accessible via the big oak doors on 4th Avenue, or the disabled access door on 11th Street.
Come as you are, or bring your best before God? It’s a tricky question, that carries so many cultural assumptions. At Southminster you’ll see folks wearing everything from jeans and a t-shirt to suits and ties.
God has no dress code! You are welcome to come as you are, some prefer to dress up, some choose smart casual, some come in jeans and T-shirts.
Our Sunday School kids participate in many activities during the classes! Some games and crafts may be messy, so keep this in mind when getting ready for church. We will always have paint smocks available if needed.
We are grateful to receive any donation in support of the work of Southminster, as well as to help people in need in our community and around the world. We know that at some points in the course of peoples’ lives, money can be a source of stress. We invite people to prayerfully consider their situation and give out of their abundance. You’ll find visitor offering envelopes in the pews if you wish to make a donation. If you fill in the information, we will be able to give you a tax receipt.
Once a month we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion, a symbolic meal to remember Jesus’ last supper with his followers and God’s enduring love for us.
At the communion table, we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the host and all are guests. The meal uses the symbols of bread and wine (the United Church uses grape juice in place of wine to be inclusive of those with alcohol addiction), and the congregation is invited to come forward to receive the elements.
Even if it is your first-time attending Southminster, you are welcome to come and receive communion. The United Church practices an open table, inviting all who seek to love Jesus to share in this family meal.
Please feel free to contact the church office: (403) 327 3404 or smunited@shaw.ca with any additional questions about joining us for Sunday worship.
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